Wednesday, February 28, 2007


So! Update on Dad first. I saw him last week and he has lost alot of the water weight or whatever it was. He has been put on this diet that doesn't sound half bad. He can not eat frozen foods or fast food and has to watch his sodium intake, which he in fact was doing so well with that, that they told him that his sodium levels were too low and he could add some more sodium to his diet. But he definitely does not have the man pregnancy look anymore. Which is very good. but the thing that got me was when my youngest asked what his pills were and I said that those were what grandpa has to take to keep him alive. There was a stone silence after that. I think I came to the realization of what he is going through.

On another note, and the thing that I am pondering right now. In thinking of my sister and everything she has gone through to become pregnant. Do you forfeit the right to complain about pregnancy things when you have worked so hard to get there? My opinion is no! when you become pregnant, no matter how you get there, you should have the right to experience every thing and react to it how you want. I mean, if you wanted a dog so bad, but then after you got one and it shit on your bed, of course you are going to complain about the dog, but doesn't mean that you are not happy that you have one. I know I know , bad analogy. But you get what I am saying. This all came about b/c of a nasty comment left on my sister's blog. It just disturbs me that people think that just because you went through infertilty and you have "help" getting pregnant that that makes you immune to pain or discomfort. I mean, do you lose your right to be uncomfortable? your right to complain? isn't that what the blog is for? To express you feelings and thoughts? If your back hurts and your 5 months pregnant with twins and you want to go get a massage, don't you have the right to talk about wanting a massage? I would think so. and when those kids are say, 3 years old and they decide to draw on the walls, are you not allowed to disipline them b/c you wanted it so badly. This person made her sound so selfish. well i say, and because this is my blog, I Say, all those people who think that IF people can't complain, well first F**k off and second, kiss my BIG WHITE ASS!!!!
