Friday, August 8, 2008





Thursday, August 7, 2008



there-was-one-mom-there-that-had-2-kids-going-to-camp. How-do-they-do-it? I-guess-if-I-had-two-there-at-least-I-would-know-that-they-had-each-other-there. IDK?


Saturday, April 26, 2008


Still no clue what the raid was about??

Jesmin came home last night!! Yay. But Lucas is still getting friendly with the neighbor's cat.

Bought several bushes to go along the fence by the alley. Hopefully we will get a little more privacy from these. Still need to get more. I took pictures but will have to upload later.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Last night I was standing in my kitchen making dinner. I went to put something in the sink and I see this man standing in the back alley. At first I thought it was my neighbor and then I saw that he had a gun. So I thinking WTF? So I tell the kids to stay down and stay away from the windows. When the guy turned I could see that his shirt said 'POLICE' on it. He ran through my neighbors yard and so I moved to the front of the house and looked out the front window. He looked around a bit, under cars and the RV and then step out into the street and gave a hand signal to someone up the street. He then went back through the neighbors yard and so we went back to the kitchen. By this time I am trying to call/email, anything to get my neighbors attention to let her know that there is police in her back yard. But she was not answering. So I tell the kids to stay in he house and I go over and knock on her door. She was in the shower. But I told her daughter that there were police in the back of her house. Then she went and told her mom and I went back to my house. I called my husband and told him that there police all around the house behind us and shortly after that he came home. We watched, from the kitchen, as they searched the house and arrested 4-5 people who may or may not have lived at that house. I dont know why they were there. They were not DEA, but I did see a sheriff. I have not heard anything on the news about it so I really don't know what the raid was about.

In other news, Two of my cats got out. The baby, Jesmin and Lucas, the boy. I am not to worried about Lucas b/c I see him roaming in the neighbors yard. But Jesmin, I have not seen anywhere. I am so sad now. If I could just see her somewhere and know she is okay, that would cheer me a little, but I really think someone has taken her.

Friday, April 4, 2008

The meadow

Something we learned from the rides on the monorail is that "Las Vegas" means "the meadow" in Spanish!! Boy did they get that wrong!!

The only fun thing we did was ride the roller coaster at the NY NY hotel. Something that I will never do again, but I am glad that I can say that I did it!! I need to upload the photos to show you what this ride looks like!!

We were there for the pizza convention and seminars that lasted most of the day. (9-6) We went to dinner afterwards and then to bed by midnight!! exciting huh? That was Wednesday. Tuesday our flight got in about 2'ish and we unpacked our clothes and then went to lunch. We went to the Rainforest Cafe.( I hear there is one in Seattle so we will have to take the kids there when we go in June.) I thought we were JUST going to eat lunch so I wore heels!! Nope, big mistake. We walked around A LOT!! I had blisters on my toes. It was not so much from all the walking, but the pace that Lee, Seth's boss, was walking. I swear he walks like his ass is on fire!! So we went back up to our room before dinner and I changed into some capri's and better shoes. (flip flops) We went to this very expensive Italian restaurant called Trevi's. Our table was not ready yet so we waited at the bar. I decided to try a Mint Mojito. I figured I like the gum, I might like the drink. So we are chatting and then about a few minutes later our drinks come. He hands me mine first and I go to reach for it and then suddenly, (slow motion), it comes flying at me. There was no where for me to go to avoid this, so I was soaked completely from the crotch down to my shoes!! Seth mentioned that I should go to the restroom. This might have been a good idea if there should be a blow dryer in there, but the thought of walking through the restaurant looking as though I had urinated on myself was not appealing. So I opted to stay at my seat and "air" dry. I did not want to draw any more attention to myself than I already did. The manager offered to pay for the dry cleaning, but I was not staying in Vegas that long and it was really no problem at all, just a bit uncomfortable and embarrassing.


So he bought our drinks and gave us some appetizers. I realize that I could have gotten more out of that, but I was with someone who throws money around like it was nothing and so I was following his lead in how to handle this. If he felt that we should complain then that was up to him, after all he was paying for all of it.

Thursday we woke up early and got some pictures of the sights around there and did a little shopping. Then met up with Lee again for some lunch and to get to the airport.

BTW, don't ever let me order an apple martini. WOW!! That thing got me drunk in about 10 minutes and only half the glass!! I started going on a spending spree in a Star Trek gift shop. Yeah!! (I bought a Trebble, Seth got mad that I called it a furry thing. I was drunk and forgot the name.)

Anyway that is my trip in a nutshell.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

There IS something in the water.

Everyone knows that when you have pills that have expired or ones that you just don't need anymore, you don't throw them away in the garbage. You put them down the toilet. Well now it seems as though all those drugs are coming back to us in our tap water. Interesting. Yet another reason to buy bottled water? But I wonder if those companies that just filter the tap water and then resell it, are filtering out the drugs as well?

If you would like to read more about this you can go here .

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

4 day weekend

I went to the school early yesterday. Not intentionally, it just happened that way. Me and Sho-sho ate lunch at Rocky's so we just headed to CJ's classroom instead of eating lunch at the school. Sho-sho likes to be a 1st grader for part of her day, so she went at sat with the other kids while Mrs. B, the sub, taught a lesson. Mrs. J was still there and it was so nice to see her. She said she had an ultrasound yesterday and the tech. slipped and said "he" when referring to one of the babies. I told her that I have never known the pencil test to be wrong and it said she was having a boy and a girl. Sho-sho's teacher, Mrs. K, came in and joined the conversation and she has heard of the pencil test too. She said that all of her cousins had done it and so far it has been right about their kids. I have never known it to be wrong, but I guess we will find out for sure in May. Oh and she told us the names that they were thinking of, I can't remember all of them, but one for a girl was Avery. I think that sounds so cute for a little girl.

In other news. We had a horrible virus in our computer that has been linked back to a page that the kids played on. Don't know if it is from a banner that is on that page or if it is from the page itself, but we have it all cleaned out and so far no problems.

I was alone with the kids for this past 4 day weekend. Friday, Sneezer had rehearsals then after that we went shopping for some crafts that they can work on while we are at home. We didn't really find anything that the kids could all do. Most things are focused on one sex or the other. So we got play dough. Seemed like a good idea, til they started fighting over colors. The play dough has now been put up til they can show me that they can handle playing with it.

Saturday we went and saw Spider*wick's with my mom and youngest brother. I really liked the movie, but still like the books more. I realize that they could not have kept everything in the movie and have it be under 2 hours, but I think they did a fair job. They changed things a bit, but I guess they needed to do that to make the movie work.

Sunday we stayed home. I had no desire to take the kids anywhere. Hubby came home in the early evening.
Monday was another rehearsal and we got to see everyone in costume. Sneezer looks very scrawny in her costume. She is just such a toothpick.

And then we are back to Tuesday. Oh! there was a meteor early in the morning. I did not see it first hand, but I think I heard it. Something made me wake up suddenly. I heard a loud booming noise and woke up suddenly.

Later in the afternoon, we ran into Mrs. J at the grocery store. She was at the Dr. just before that and said everything was looking good. It was funny seeing her at the store and not having CJ trying to hide behind me while I was talking with her. It was strange seeing her there b/c I thought she said that she lived farther up north, so I don't know why she was at our store.

Anyway, there is an update on things here.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Was yesterday Friday?

Yes I know it was Wednesday, but with the things went, it should have been Friday.

Yesterday was suppose to go like this.
9 am - kids to school, hubby to work.
12pm - Sho-sho on bus and back home to meet hubby who left work at this time.
12:30- lunch date with hubby and some shopping fun!
3:00 - pick up kids from school.
5:30- pick up pizzas for family fun party at school.
6-7 pm - family fun party. Make a fun craft and eat pizzas.
7-8 pm - PTG meeting. (would have been my first one)
after that go home and watch the rest of Across the Un*verse and go to bed.

But according to MURPHEY!! this is how things really went.

9am - kids got to school, hubby got to work.
11am- hubby calls and says one of his employees sprained his back and he can't make our lunch date.
12pm- walked to sho-sho's bus. Bus drove by us and I thought we were early and that it would come back so we continue to the bus stop.(The bus normally drops the morning kids off, goes down the hill and then comes back up to pick up afternoon kids.) Other mom at the bus stop got her son on the bus and then freaked when the bus did not stop for us. She calls 911 with my cell and reports this bus. Bus never comes back to get Sho-sho. I call the school and then the transportation dept.. School has no sign of the bus, but transportation says bus is 5 minutes from school and will come back in 10 minutes to get Sho-sho. (No thanks! I can walk to the school faster than that.) so we walked to the school.
1pm- got back from the school, made some lunch, and dropped most of it on the floor. Dogs had a good lunch!!
1:30- started to watch movie.
2:30- hubby gets home from work. No time to do anything but sit and watch movie.
2:45- go to pick up kids.
3:15- restart movie
5:15- leave to get pizzas , did not watch last 15 minutes of movie.
5:30- pick up pizzas, spill pop in driver's seat, and sit in it!!!! Good times!
5:45 - go home to change pants. I get out of the car and hear air bubbles coming off back tire!! WONDERFUL!!
5:50- Traffic up the butt on Division, impossible to cross. Had to drive 4 blocks up to stoplight just to get across.
6:10- get to school. all the cupcakes are taken and just in the time for me to say"Hi" to Mrs. J, all the Rocky's pizza's are taken.
6:45- finished craft and pizza and opted to leave. Called hubby to tell him about the tire and he asks what did I run over? (Who knows? there is so much crap on the street and the city has run out of funds to clean the streets.)
7- get home and found there is nothing good to eat at home. so went and ate mcbarfo's.
7:20- home again. Turned on movie and completely hated this day
9pm- forced kids to go to bed. Lights out no tv. Just bed.

This morning we woke up and hubby put the fix a flat stuff in wrong tire last night. Thank goodness he bought 2 cans!! Then put it in the right tire.

Today? So far so good. I just hope this day goes better than yesterday. Oh and did I mention that I am home alone with the kids this weekend and now with limited car use. Happy times!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Busy week

Things have been so busy this past week. I was running all over the place on Friday. I started the day going to the store to get last minute things for CJs 7th b-day party. When I got home, I had an email from another mom that also has a child in the play that Sneezer is in, asking me to bring snack. So that was on my list of things to do before I got to the school that day. Then, while putting together goody bags for the party, Sneezer calls saying she needs money for her v-day party at school. Alright so now I have to go to the store and then get to the school early to get money to Sneezer. Then seconds after that call, I get another call that is hubby calling to ask me to pick up his prescriptions and bring them to him for his tooth. Alright!! So much for a shower!

So I got hubby's meds, dropped them off downtown and then came back up north to get to the store to get snacks for the kids in the play, and then over to the school to get money to Sneezer before helping out in CJ's class. On the way to CJ's class, I find that there is a sub. I, being the person I am, thought the worst and that something had happened to Mrs. J's babies. Well I was close. She was having contractions and her Doc. has put her on partial bedrest. So she works in the mornings and has a sub in the afternoon. The sub is awesome and still wants me to come in a help, so no stay at home boredom for me, Yay!! On this day the class was scheduled to watch a movie, so I asked Sho-sho's teacher if she would like some help and she did, so I helped out in her classroom.

I should point out here that b/c of my volunteering at the school I have finally made up my mind as to what I want to do with my life. I am going to go into the teaching program at the community college. I can credit Mrs. J for that. I kind of always wanted to be a elem. school teacher and with Mrs. J giving me the oppurtunity to help in the class, I want to do that even more now. I know it is about4-6 years of schooling, but I really want to do this!

So now here we are this week. I went and helped out in CJ's classroom yesterday and will continue to do so for as long as the sub wants me to.

Today me and hubby are going out for lunch for our V-day date. He has to work tomorrow and I will be at the school and then this weekend he has to go out of town, so today was the only time to have our v-day. Tonight there is a family night at the school that we are going to, minus hubby. He had plans with friends before we made plans for family night. Then tomorrow is V-day parties that I will be helping out with. Friday Sneezer has rehearsals and there is no school. The kids have a 4 day weekend! So it is just me and them. Any suggestion on something fun and inexpensive that we could do?

Snow days!!

First off, in case you haven't noticed, I didn't end up setting this blog to private. It is a good thing that I didn't. The most amazing thing happened! From my blog about my neighbor that had passed, his son found me and emailed me and I got to know more about him and he got to see another side of his dad! It was such a blessing!!

On to news about the kids. Such a busy month this month. Hubby has a infection in a tooth and was just miserable for the last few weeks until the meds. kicked in. He is doing better now and his face is not so swollen.

The last week of January a bad snow storm hit us dropping a couple of feet of snow in just two days. Roads were so bad that school buses were unable to drive on the side streets causing them to cancel school. On that Monday, we hung out at home and absorbed the miracle that the school's superintendent finally got their head out of their ass and canceled school. There was just no way that I was going to drive anywhere in that crap. Roofs were collapsing and so many car accidents. Just wasn't worth my life to get the kids to school!

Tuesday we made plans to go sledding at a nearby park with some friends of the kids. But they were cancelled because the other mom felt it was too cold to be outside. Wednesday was a better day for that. So we met them at the park and the kids were having loads of fun. Then my older daughter was having difficulty mounting her sled off the starting ramp that was made by someone the was there prior to us. I opted to demonstrate how she should mount it.


I got on the sled and went down ths hill. First bump was good, but turned me around. Second bump I got alot of air and was sitting way wrong on the board and when I came down I heard it.


My knew I broke something in my lower back or tailbone. I got up and walked back up the hill, thinking the pain would subside and I would just be sore. But then everything went white. I could only lay on the ground in the snow. I knew I did something really bad and I just knew that I needed to get home. Everytime I stood up, everything would go white, but I had to get these kids home and get home myself. I had my four kids and 2 other kids that the other mom had dropped off and was not coming back to pick them up for another hour or so. We made it home and I called hubby and he came home to get me to the hospital. I called my mom to have her come watch the kids, but then later in the day opted not to go. I was more than certain that it was my tailbone that I had broken and there was nothing that anyone could do for a broken tailbone, I just needed to rest it. I was in total pain and just really did not want to move.

Now, 2 weeks later, I am able to sit in a chair. It still hurts to bend and get back up from sitting, but I am getting better.

The kids had no school for the rest of the week, which was the best thing that could have happened for me, seeing how I would not have been able to get them to school.

But now I have learned my lesson that I am too old to go sledding!!!

Monday, January 14, 2008


Okay I have to share this. The other day I had a dream. It was one of those dreams that are just so weird and so much happens that you cannot forget about it. So here is my dream that I had about a week or so ago...

My dream, from what I remember, starts with my husband telling me that he was going to his dad's for thanksgiving and only he was invited. ( So I assume that this takes place around Thanksgiving). I was furious with this. So I am yelling at him as to why he can only go. He says that they need him to come and cut the turkey. That he is only going there to cut the turkey. So I am like "WTH? Why do they need you to come and cut the turkey? Why can't they do it themselves?" and he says that he was also cooking the turkey at our house out on the grill! ( I know! The grill?) So at this point I look up out the window and suddenly realize that I am at my great grandmother's ranch and in her house. Her house was my house. The only difference was that there was a lake where the cows in the field should be.

Let me describe this house. it is large for one thing. they had a balcony that came out from the 2nd floor livingroom and it stretched the length of the house. From here you could see out into the fields where the cows roamed. Behind the house there were acres of forest. There are sliding glass doors that lead to the balcony.

So then we walk outside and I see that there is a turkey on the BBQ grill. Then suddenly there are two bears on our porch. One Black and one brown. The Brown one, which appears to be a grizzly bear, smacks my husband across his head and knocks him out. I am desperate to get him in to the house when the black bear takes a swipe at me and his claws gets stuck in my shirt. I somehow broke the bears claw and that bear goes running off the porch, yelping. But the brown bear is determined to have my husband and drags him off the steps that lead down off the porch to the ground. Unable to do anything I quickly run into the house, yelling at the kids to stay inside and away from the doors and windows and grabbing the phone to dial 911. Suddenly some how my father in law and my mom are there. I don't know if they were already there or if they just got there. I think my mom just showed up, b/c I had one of the kids try and call her on the cell phone, but she had already gotten there.

This is were my dream gets weird. Somehow I was able to rewind it and change the outcome. I rewinded to right after the brown bear knocks hubby out and the black bear swipes at me and I break its claw and then it goes running. Then this time I took the turkey and threw it down off the porch, figuring that this is what the bears were after. Pulled hubby into the house and dialed 911. Oldest child tells me that my ear is bleeding and I show her the claw from the bear. Hubby comes to and tells me to "get the gun." (we don't currently own a gun, but OK) So I find this rifle looking thing and start shooting at the bears. I got the black bear and it drops with one hit, but the brown bear took a lot of shots to finally get it down.

Then I wake up. So this dream has stuck with me and I am very curious what my dream is trying to tell me.

According to this dream guide. Black means unhappiness. Fighting or killing a bear means I will beat my enemies. Brown means money/luck, though another one said illness.

so this is my take on it. You all know that me and hubby and had rough patches. Some days we just don't get along, but for the most part we do. I think when the bear attacked and took him, I think that was me letting him go and trying to focus on me. But then in the second part of my dream when I changed that outcome, I think that was telling me that I still want him around and I don't want him to go. The fact that hubby got hit in the head and was knocked out. I think it had to do with his mouth or head, health wise. B/c get this. I did not know my hubby was in pain and I found out on Sat. that he was having horrible tooth pain. He went to the dentist on Tues. and scheduled an appt. for a root canal. One that he needed for sometime now. It was so bad that it spread to the surrounding teeth. Last Saturday I was telling hubby about a show I watched where the lady did autopsies an one of the people she did one on was very healthy and athletic and young and just died one day. It started out like the flu and then he just collapse one day and died before the ambulance arrived. She later found out that he died from an abscess in his tooth that needed a root canal. The infection spread to his blood and basically he died from an infected tooth. Blood poisoning.

I don't know what the rest of my dream means, but this part makes sense to me now.

Please tell me what you think.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Nothin left to loose

OK this was taken from Seattlegal and sounded like fun. I have done one before on another blog that did songs for the story of your life, but here is one that is a little different.

Directions:1. Put your iTunes, Windows Media Player, iPod etc. on shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.

1. IF SOMEONE SAYS "IS THIS OKAY" YOU SAY? 1985- Bowling for soup

2. HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE YOURSELF? Suddenly- Ashley Tisdale

3. WHAT DO YOU LIKE IN A GUY/GIRL? Ice Ice baby - Vanila Ice

4. HOW DO YOU FEEL TODAY? Fat bottomed girls - Queen

5. WHAT IS YOUR LIFE'S PURPOSE? Stand By me - Ben E. King

6. WHAT IS YOUR MOTTO?Calling all angels - Train

7. WHAT DO YOUR FRIENDS THINK OF YOU? Thriller - Michael Jackson

8. WHAT DO YOUR PARENTS THINK OF YOU? Kickstart my heart - Motley crue


10. WHAT IS 2 + 2? Trouble - Pink

11. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF YOUR EX? Iris - Goo Goo Dolls


13. WHAT IS YOUR LIFE STORY? What a wonderful world - Louis Armstrong

14. WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU GROW UP? This ain't a scene, it's an arms race - Fallout Boy



17. WHAT IS YOUR HOBBY/INTEREST? New Slang - The Shins

18. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST FEAR? In The End - Linkin Park


20. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF YOUR FRIENDS? True friend - Hannah Montana

Now press Next one more time and use it as your title.

Title song by Matt Kearney

Suprisingly I did this exactly as directed and this was the results. Some of the songs are sneezers. ( we share the itunes)

Friday, January 4, 2008

Christmas break

Christmas break started on Dec. 19th. On Dec. 20th we went to our first Christmas party for this year. This was a white elephant party that was so much fun. Sneezer left with a Chia* pet and Hubby got a gift card to star*bucks. I left with a gift that I brought, but seeing how we brought 3, and there was only 8 people, I guess that was bound to happen. I brought a handheld digital poker game.

Dec. 22 was our second Christmas party. It was at my grandmother in law's house. This party is a big thing every year. Cousins, along with all of hubby's siblings, are there. There were a few emotional times when we realized that Matthew was not coming. He always showed up late, so we just ate our dinner and usually when we are done eating is when he shows up. But he was not there this year. One of my nieces fell down and hurt her ear badly. It was not too bad, but when you are 11, it is painful. Another niece made and comment, " something was bound to happen!" she is 7. I chuckle a little that such grown up words were coming out of her mouth, but the mother and the mother's sister got into an argument on how inappropriate it was for her to say it. I left that conversation quickly. I did not need to get into the middle of that.

Dec. 24 was another Christmas celebration. I wouldn't call this one so much a party. It was dinner at my parents house. We tried to watch Star*Dust, but with eating and opening present, it was not possible to pay attention to the movie. I really do want to watch that movie. I got such great gifts from my parents. New towels to match our "new" bathroom, new towels for the kitchen and gift cards for a night out with hubby, I am assuming that includes babysitting services too? We also opened gifts from my sister who lives in Seattle but sent gifts over with friends. (Thank you Ally and Paul for that!!) I got a book called "good dog. stay." and hubby got a gift card for tar*get. The kids got some clothes and of course toys from the grandparents. All in all this was a good night.

Dec 25. Christmas day.. Woke up and waited for the kids to wake up on their own. Sho-sho was the last one to wake. Cj came into my room and asked if they could just sort the presents. Uh no! I told them they needed to wait til Sho-sho was awake. So you know what he did? He went in to her room, stood at the foot of the bed and whispers her name several times until she opens her eyes and then he screams " She's awake!!!" I don't think she was to happy with this until she realized that we can open the presents that had been sitting there for sooo long. The kids really got way to much stuff. New star wars toys, video games, Cj got a fishing pole that of course D is angry about, and Sho-sho got many, many new babies. I got hubby some new cologne, a new bathrobe, and I made a photo album for him of the kids. I also made him one of his brother, but gave it to him several days before. I wasn't sure of what his reaction would have been to that, so I didn't want to give it to him on Christmas morning.

At Noon we headed to Hubby's dad's house. It was awkward b/c it was mostly the step family there. It was just us from his dad's side of the family. It was a nice party though. It was sad seeing Tallon there, he was Matt's dog and you could just see the sadness in his eyes. He just sat on the back porch like he was waiting for Matt to come back. I got a really nice throw blanket and Hubby got a tool set from his dad. The kids got more toys.

After this Christmas lunch, we went home and laid in bed. It was an exhausting Holiday and now that it was over, it was time to relax!! This year was so stressful, I actually got a little something for everyone and just to let you know how many people that is, I am going to tell you.
My husband has 3 brothers ,one is married, one has passed, 2 sisters, one is married, 3 step brothers, in which one is married, 2 step sisters whom are both married, 4 nieces, 2 step nieces and 6 step nephews. And then my side is 2 brothers and one sister whom is married and 1 nephew and 1 niece. Plus I have 2 mother-in-laws and a father- in law and my parents too. I was surprised that I got them all.

Well this post is getting long and I have to start getting busy here, so I will write about new years perhaps some time next week.
