Friday, January 26, 2007

Just felt like it....

Good Friday morning! just posting a blog out of boredom! This week has been an exhausting one. Tuesday Had to drive out to the valley to pick up a prescription and then drove out to Liberty Lake to visit dad, ( and to steal, I mean borrow some DVDs). Dad is doing good considering the circumstances. He was sitting up watching TV when I got there and did walk around a bit too. Though he is walking around like a very pregnant woman, he is still walking. The swelling has gone down a little but not much. I plan to visit again sometime this weekend, or perhaps on Monday since the kids are out of school. I would visit them more often but I live on the north side of Spokavegas and they live in Liberty Lake. For those who are not familiar with the area, it is about a 45 minute drive, even longer when there is snow on the ground.

So after visiting dad, I got the kids from school, came home a did home work and then went off to the library, downtown. We spent about an hour there and then we were off to pick up Hubby. On the way home we went to pick up D's prescription from the pharmacy and there was only one girl working the register and about 30 people picking up prescription. So we figured we have one more pill for tomorrow so we bagged it and went on home. ate dinner ,went to bed. exciting huh?

Then about 4 am on Weds. morning, I get woken by the sound of crying followed by puking!!! D was sick. We thought maybe it was from the steak that we ate the night before, (b/c it did not taste right to me or Hubby), but no one else got sick but D. So he stayed home on Weds. He was not throwing up anymore, but was extremely tired. So I kept him home and CJ too, so I wouldn't have to take D outside to get CJ from the bus stop. So that was a fun day of playing Zelda and 3 Screaming kids all day long!!!

And now we are on to Thurs. The Kids have late start on Thursday's so they have to ride the bus b/c Hubby has to be at work by 8:45. and taking them would make them be there too early. So everything was going fine. thought D was over his vomiting , when we were all ready to go, we couldn't find D. He was in the bathroom with a upset stomach. So, knowing how uncomfortable that is to be away from home with an upset stomach, I had him stay home. But sent CJ to school since I figure D should be able to walk to the bus stop this time. So we watched Superman yesterday. D and Hubby had already watched it in theatres while Me and the other kids watched Cars. Hubby back then said that he thought it was stupid and after watching it I can see why. The movie is good, I rather enjoyed it and watched it again later with Sneezer. But I think Hubby didn't like it b/c it is a love story between Louis and Superman. But then again they all kind of are. I am still baffled why no one can tell that Clark is Superman. hmmm? Especially Louis, seeing how she claims that she loves him. I think I will watch "Thank you for smoking" today. I also watched " Open Water" on Weds. Not all that exciting of a film, but I think that fact that it really happened is what keeps you watching it.

So now here we are on Friday. D woke up with an upset stomach again, but Hubby felt that 3 days of no school would be to much, so he went off to school today and here I am on the computer, Sho-sho in the bedroom watching Disney. The house is quiet! Surprisingly even the dogs are quiet, oh wait, crap I left one of them outside. BRB!...... Okay he is in now. well that would explain why the dogs were quiet. Ha!

well I suppose i should get some more cleaning done. Thanks for listening to my babbling and have a great weekend!


Thursday, January 18, 2007

An embarassing story in the midst of all the kidney trauma!

So dad is doing well and might get to go home today or tomorrow. for more info on that, please check my sister's blog. But on to the funny story.....

A funny thing I have to share that is somewhat personal but I laughed my head off last night and I need to share. Okay a few years ago, when we just had Sneezer, Hubby bought me a Dildo for Valentine's day. Well it was meant to be like a joke b/c he was training in Vancouver and blah blah blah. So anyway, it has never been used, but not something to leave out in the open when you have 4 kids running around. So Hubby had it tucked away in his underwear drawer, (b/c it smells funky and I did not want it in mine, b/c I just don't want it anyway) So anyway, CJ has started this fascination with wearing Hubby's T-shirts to bed and he went in my room to get one. Me and Sneezer were already in there watching american idol, and CJ pulls that thing out and is like " this?" so I start laughing, (even more b/c I was already laughing at idol) and jump up to put it away. so then I got CJ (5) confused asking what that is and Sneezer (11) with a confused look as to why there is a plastic penis in daddy's drawer. Then to make it even funnier, CJ goes out to Hubby and asks him why there was a big pink penie in his drawer. OMG I was laughing so hard. And then having to explain to Sneezer that daddy was being a smart ass years ago and bought that for me on Valentine's day. She was still confused what it was used for, but I was not going to tell her that.

OMG could you imagine the embarassment? But I just wanted to share b/c how often does that happen really?

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

back to the old routine

Well the kids are back in school and I am back to the old routine of waking up, getting them off to school and then having absolutely nothing to do but clean all day! Fun! We had a somewhat good Christmas. It has been spread out over the weeks and we still have to exchange some gifts due to all the ailments in our family. It started out with just having colds so we knew we were not going to be able to go over to the in-laws,(Bummer) due to my MIL being on chemo right now. But then on Weds. night (27th), Sho-sho developed a fever that would not go down with medicine, so Thurs. we went to the ER and found that she had 2 very bad ear infections and a fever of 103.5. When they we able to get her temps. down to 101.1 they sent us home with a lot of antibiotics and other pain relievers/fever reducers. Needless to say this, along with the pass and issues at hubby's work, we were not able to make the trip to Seattle to see my sister.

This year hasn't really been much of a Christmas. I mean, Christmas is about spending time with family, eating a meal with them and all that. But this year, it just seemed like a gift exchange. "let's drop off those presents and pick up these and mail those ones and.....". My parents went to Seattle to see my sister and we were too sick to go over to the in-laws on Christmas day and then the plans of a belated Christmas at my sisters was cancelled because of various things. I just hope that next year will be better and we can do the usual Christmas celebrations that we do and maybe some new ones?

As for gift wise, I am happy about that. The kids got everything they wanted and more, and I got a Ipod I have been wanting, along with a tea kettle. I don't know what it is about it, but I love hearing a tea kettle whistle. And I got a slow cooker. I don't know how much I will be using it and I am not exactly sure why I wanted one, I guess just to know that I have one? But now I need to learn stuff to make in it. I have already gotten plenty of use out of my tea kettle and the dogs completely freak out when the whistle goes. it is funny!

Well that is all for now.

Oh and my dog completely bounce back that day. He had a rock blocking his intestines and pooped it right out. He immediately started being his old self. I guess it is called Pica. (the consumption of inedible objects.) Well we got him a lot of chew toys now, so hopefully he will not have a craving for rocks anymore.
