Monday, March 5, 2007

The Four Sneezes and the jinxing daughter

This weekend we went out shopping for various things and during this time we usually split up in the store, (Girls with me, boys with hubby) and then call on the cell when either one of us is ready to go and then we meet up and leave. This particular day we went to Target and there must have been something in the air in the store b/c I just could not stop sneezing. Sneezer, my oldest daughter, was pointing out that I sneeze funny, like a little kid or something? high pitched? But then later as we were walking to another store up the way, I sneeze again and my Hubby points out that my sneezes come in fours and that my father is the same way. So now, ofcourse, everytime I start sneezing, I find myself counting them and there is alway 4. Three little sneezes and one big one to finish it. Weird?

Lately i have noticed that me and my oldest have either been able to finish each other sentences, communicate without talking , answer a question before it was asked, and often we say the same thing at the same time. I guess she is just turning into me. I just hope she is not too much like me, if you get what I am saying?

That is all for today.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope she is exactly like you so you can see what we had to go through with you. Ha........MOM
