I went to the school early yesterday. Not intentionally, it just happened that way. Me and Sho-sho ate lunch at Rocky's so we just headed to CJ's classroom instead of eating lunch at the school. Sho-sho likes to be a 1st grader for part of her day, so she went at sat with the other kids while Mrs. B, the sub, taught a lesson. Mrs. J was still there and it was so nice to see her. She said she had an ultrasound yesterday and the tech. slipped and said "he" when referring to one of the babies. I told her that I have never known the pencil test to be wrong and it said she was having a boy and a girl. Sho-sho's teacher, Mrs. K, came in and joined the conversation and she has heard of the pencil test too. She said that all of her cousins had done it and so far it has been right about their kids. I have never known it to be wrong, but I guess we will find out for sure in May. Oh and she told us the names that they were thinking of, I can't remember all of them, but one for a girl was Avery. I think that sounds so cute for a little girl.
In other news. We had a horrible virus in our computer that has been linked back to a page that the kids played on. Don't know if it is from a banner that is on that page or if it is from the page itself, but we have it all cleaned out and so far no problems.
I was alone with the kids for this past 4 day weekend. Friday, Sneezer had rehearsals then after that we went shopping for some crafts that they can work on while we are at home. We didn't really find anything that the kids could all do. Most things are focused on one sex or the other. So we got play dough. Seemed like a good idea, til they started fighting over colors. The play dough has now been put up til they can show me that they can handle playing with it.
Saturday we went and saw Spider*wick's with my mom and youngest brother. I really liked the movie, but still like the books more. I realize that they could not have kept everything in the movie and have it be under 2 hours, but I think they did a fair job. They changed things a bit, but I guess they needed to do that to make the movie work.
Sunday we stayed home. I had no desire to take the kids anywhere. Hubby came home in the early evening.
Monday was another rehearsal and we got to see everyone in costume. Sneezer looks very scrawny in her costume. She is just such a toothpick.
And then we are back to Tuesday. Oh! there was a meteor early in the morning. I did not see it first hand, but I think I heard it. Something made me wake up suddenly. I heard a loud booming noise and woke up suddenly.
Later in the afternoon, we ran into Mrs. J at the grocery store. She was at the Dr. just before that and said everything was looking good. It was funny seeing her at the store and not having CJ trying to hide behind me while I was talking with her. It was strange seeing her there b/c I thought she said that she lived farther up north, so I don't know why she was at our store.
Anyway, there is an update on things here.
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