Thursday, November 30, 2006

The snow and other ramblings

It snowed again here last night about 4 inches. We have just had such a horrible week, weather wise. Yesterday it was only 2 degrees when we woke up. I did not want to venture out into that cold so I had CJ stay home so I wouldn't have to walk to his bus stop in the afternoon. It was just too cold. Plus I am having issues with the school and the bus. The school for one, CJ had RSV when he was a baby and continues to have respiratory problems now. I know I put all this information in his file for the school when I registered him, but yet they had him wait outside in the cold on Tuesday when it was only in the teens. The school has a policy that if you do not have permission from anything ( teacher, breakfast, etc.) to be in the school then you have to wait outside. WTH? Why do they have them wait outside for that long? My kids get to school at 8:30 everyday but Thursdays ( Thurs. are late start so they have to ride the bus, I hate Thurs.) and they eat breakfast and then when they are done they have to go outside. OUTSIDE! In this weather! I would understand that if it were 70 degrees outside and they can play and be warm, but outside when the temps. are in the teens? WTH? So my husband said that he would talk to the school about letting our kids come in some where. I am mostly concerned about CJ's health issues. If he catches a cold, it will quickly turn into pneumonia. We have gone so long not needing the nebs. I really don't want to have to start them again b/c of the schools carelessness. You know?
The problem with the bus is that on Monday when I was at my mammogram appt., my mom had to come and get CJ from the bus stop, but she did not know where the bus dropped him off at, so she stayed in her car until the bus came. She was on the opposite side of the street and CJ did not see her and apparently the bus driver did not either, but still let him off the bus and he started walking towards home until my mom finally got his attention. But the issue I have with this is that he let my son off the bus when there was no one (seen) there to get him. I call the transit center for the school buses and was told that they have a drop and go policy. WTH! A drop and go policy. So they are going to risk having my ( or any) 5 year old taken, kidnapped, just so they can stay on schedule? What happened to caring for and protecting our children? Why would they just kick them off the bus like that, just so they can stay on schedule?
My other issue with the bus, actually the driver more to a point on this one, is that my oldest daughter, Sneezer, who is very trustworthy and reports 'bad' activities to me, if you would. She told me that the bus driver has been using profanity while talking to the children on the bus. We already have two 'trouble makers' on the bus, at our bus stop that we are trying to get them to not use such language and now we have the bus driving, who is suppose to be a role model, using this language towards K-6th graders. So they are going to put a recorder on the bus to see how exactly this bus driver has been interacting with the children.

So it snowed over night. I have mention before that our snow shovel and other things are trapped in our garage. (My husband put a wood pile in front on the garage door blocking the access.) But this morning I was determined to get that shovel and not have to buy a new one. I was not going to have ice on my stairs again from the snow melting and freezing again. So I climbed the wood pile, got into the garage, and got the snow shovel. And what does Sneezer say to me after I came back in the house? " Why didn't you get the sled?" Nice huh? she is thinking of fun while I am having snow fall down into my pants.(butt crack) So I think at some point today I will climb in there again and get the sled. It will save the two little ones from having to freeze their little feet walking to and back from the bus stop. I really need to go and get them some new snow boots!!

Well that is that. I am finally defrosted from the walk to the bus stop and back. Now I suppose I should go do some cleaning? Joy!

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