Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Has good karma returned?

I wish!!! No last night as we were getting ready for bed, D realized that he left a toy outside and just had to get it. So, it being dark outside, I left the door open to watch him while he was looking for it. And being that normal that dogs will try and run out when the door is open, I was blocking them and not even watching the cats and then Shaak ti goes running out the front door and takes off and hides under our neighbor's RV. She is a very clever cat and changed her directions every time she was with in arms reach of me. It finally took two of us to catch her and bring her back into the house. Then after that, My husband was wondering where the big suitcase was and I told him that I brought in all the suit cases I saw in the garage. I had no idea that there was a bigger one than the two i had already brought in. So I went out to the garage again and did not have any luck finding it. Then I came in the house to tell my husband this and a few seconds later I hear " oh here it is!" It was in the house the whole time. Nice huh? So then I went and got settle into bed, sore from cleaning all day and now my knee, elbow and back hurt from scraps that accord during the trapping of the cat. I am laying in bed and then I hear yelling in the living room. apparently CJ dropped the newly found Micro gameboy into the toilet. I say newly found b/c after cleaning the girls room, it was found. So CJ was just not happy about this. We told him it was an accident and that it will probably work again after it dries out, but he was still upset. But after waking up this morning, we found that the Micro still works and did just need to dry out.

So after all the bad things that have happened the last couple of days, I have decided to see the positive. Yes I lost the diamond out of my ring, but at least I found it, Yes I broke the jar, but we have others, and yes the cat got out, but she is back in, we found the suitcase, and even though the micro was dropped in the toilet, it is still working and I think CJ learned his lesson about peeing and playing at the same time... ;P

Oh and one more thing before I go... tomorrow morning I will be leaving for Vegas with my Hubby and will be gone til saturday!! It will be so nice to not have to cook, clean and watch little ones for the next few days. although I will miss them at some point, I will soak in every second of that freedom!!!!
